Proven Positive Heritage Outcomes
DTMR Warrego Highway
Cultural Heritage Field Assessment including Aboriginal heritage for proposed road widening and tree clearing. Disturbance analysis, archaeological modelling, risk assessment and advice on legislative compliance.
DTMR Curry to Cooroy Upgrade
Cultural Heritage Field Assessment, heritage register searches, review of ethnographic and historic sources, disturbance analysis, predictive modelling, GIS modelling, engagement with stakeholders and legislative advice, and production of a detailed archaeological testing program.
Bremer Mills Business Park
A historic heritage assessment of the early development of commercial enterprises in Ipswich. Tasks included historical research, archaeological survey and excavations, site recording and documentation, artefact analysis and cataloguing, preparation of an assessment report.
Eagle Farm Women’s Prison
Archaeological investigation of the 1830s prison including historical research, archaeological excavation, site recording and documentation, artefact analysis and cataloguing, and preparation of a Historic Cultural Heritage Assessment in association with historian Dr Thom Blake.