Proven Positive Heritage Outcomes
Stradbroke and Bay Islands Part 6 Studies (QYAC)
Part 6 Cultural Heritage Studies over 10 areas within North Stradbroke, Moreton, Peel, Coochimudloe, Russell and Macleay Islands. Extensive geomorphic and environmental research on the formation of coastal dunes in the region. Consultation with local knowledge holders, DATSIP and Council.
FRV Solar Farms
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage manager and technical advisor for solar projects. Tasks include managing FRVs legislative compliance, predictive archaeological modelling & risk analysis, CHMP and deed drafting and negotiation, and participation in surveys and archaeological test excavations.
Grafton Regional Gallery
Statement of Heritage Impact for the locally heritage listed Grafton Regional Gallery including desktop research, site inspection, detailed field survey and recording informed the preparation a report for the gallery, including recommendations on future heritage impact mitigation practices and legislative advice.
Drainage Pipe Replacement, Dareton
TfNSW is proposing to replace a stormwater drainage pipe on a property and Crown land in far western NSW adjacent to the ancestral bank of the Murray River. Archaeological survey identified and registered a freshwater shell midden which would be impacted by the works. In consultation with the RAPs, an Archaeological Methodology was prepared to support an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) application to allow for test excavation within and close to the shell midden to determine the nature and extent of subsurface archaeological deposit and provide the RAPs and TfNSW with management and mitigation options.
Logan Infrastructure Water Alliance Projects
Technical advisor to the Danggan Balun (Five Rivers) People for various projects with the Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance. Tasks included desktop assessment, archaeological survey, excavations and agreement negotiation.
TMR Cloncurry and Mt Isa Aboriginal Heritage Assessment
A comprehensive survey and examination of known Aboriginal heritage sites to determine the accuracy, validity, and preservation. Also provided risk zoning and site data through field survey and detailed reporting to inform robust management advice.