Proven Positive Heritage Outcomes
RMS Yarrawonga Mulwala Bridge Replacement
The Mulwala Bridge project involved detailed investigation using a Ground Penetrating Radar to investigate the potential of RMS works to impact on a known Aboriginal historic site. Tasks also included consultation with Traditional Owners and archaeological excavation.
South Ballina Sand Quarry
Cultural Heritage Assessment of large Pleistocene sand dune in preparation for a proposed quarry. Tasks included archaeological test excavations, testing for both human remains and Aboriginal artefacts, extensive knowledge holder consultation and negotiation of use of GPR to manage potential risks to burials.
Parramatta West Public School
An Historical Archaeological Assessment (HAA) was prepared for the proposed redevelopment of land adjacent to the Parramatta West Public School as part of a State Significant Development application. The Parramatta Archaeological Management Unit for the area assessed this land as being of moderate archaeological sensitivity it was determined through detailed historical background research and GPR that the land was of nil historic archaeological potential.