Proven Positive Heritage Outcomes
Cobaki Lakes
This ongoing project involved a desktop study, site inspections, extensive consultation with the Aboriginal community, an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment and an accompanying CHMP. Extensive archaeological excavations have been undertaken, much of which consisted of shell midden.
Arrunga Estate, Nimbin
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment including desktop review, site inspection with representatives of the Ngulingah LALC, archaeological excavations, ongoing management advice and preparation of an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit.
Casino Freight Rail Terminal
A major excavation of a proposed inland infrastructure hub at Casino, NSW. The project included a three week excavation of a in situ archaeological deposit which was in a deep sand deposit. The project included consultation with the Casino Boolangle LALC and Githabul People.
RMS Yarrawonga Mulwala Bridge Replacement
The Mulwala Bridge project involved detailed investigation using a Ground Penetrating Radar to investigate the potential of RMS works to impact on a known Aboriginal historic site. Tasks also included consultation with Traditional Owners and archaeological excavation.
South Ballina Sand Quarry
Cultural Heritage Assessment of large Pleistocene sand dune in preparation for a proposed quarry. Tasks included archaeological test excavations, testing for both human remains and Aboriginal artefacts, extensive knowledge holder consultation and negotiation of use of GPR to manage potential risks to burials.
Bremer Mills Business Park
A historic heritage assessment of the early development of commercial enterprises in Ipswich. Tasks included historical research, archaeological survey and excavations, site recording and documentation, artefact analysis and cataloguing, preparation of an assessment report.
Petrie Terrace Prison and Police Barracks
Research, excavate and record information on the additions to the site and its changes in use over 130 years from a prison site to a police barracks, in preparation for a new development on the site. In association with historian Dr Thom Blake.
Eagle Farm Women’s Prison
Archaeological investigation of the 1830s prison including historical research, archaeological excavation, site recording and documentation, artefact analysis and cataloguing, and preparation of a Historic Cultural Heritage Assessment in association with historian Dr Thom Blake.