Proven Positive Heritage Outcomes
Amex Providence Residential Development
Aboriginal heritage advisor for a proposed 800 ha residential development staged over 20 years. Tasks included negotiating approved Part 7 CHMP, ongoing negotiation with Aboriginal groups over impact mitigation, maintenance of Aboriginal site records, and supervision of on site cultural heritage works.
BHP Technical Advice (Bowen Basin)
Specialist advisor to BHP Billiton in preparation for a proposed 260 km infrastructure corridor and various mine sites. Provided advice on CHMP negotiations, archaeological modelling, risk assessment, advice on legislative compliance, and historic heritage assessment.
Kings Forest Estate
An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment, Excavation Report and a Cultural Heritage Management Plan. Excavations were undertaken in areas of sand dunes and shell middens to provide additional information on aspects of Aboriginal occupation patterns.
Palm Valley Oilfield Exploration
Archaeological assessment including survey of the proposed drill pads and ancillary works areas, detailed management advice and consultation with the Central land council.
Pedirka Exploration Program
Archaeological surveys and reporting in preparation for exploration drilling programs and seismic testing on the north western margins of the Simpson Desert. Project tasks include legislative advice, consultation, negotiation of heritage impact permits and salvage of archaeological artefacts.
TMR Cloncurry and Mt Isa Aboriginal Heritage Assessment
A comprehensive survey and examination of known Aboriginal heritage sites to determine the accuracy, validity, and preservation. Also provided risk zoning and site data through field survey and detailed reporting to inform robust management advice.
RMS Yarrawonga Mulwala Bridge Replacement
The Mulwala Bridge project involved detailed investigation using a Ground Penetrating Radar to investigate the potential of RMS works to impact on a known Aboriginal historic site. Tasks also included consultation with Traditional Owners and archaeological excavation.
AARNet, Heathcote National Park
A Duty of Care Cultural Heritage Assessment in relation to a proposed fibre optic alignment. The intent of this cultural heritage assessment was to assess potential Aboriginal and historic heritage values associated with the are, and to provide recommendations.
Clarkes Beach Midden
An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment and associated Aboriginal community consultation was undertaken to understand the cultural values of the midden and its physical nature and extent. The desktop study and field inspection concluded that additional investigation was required to understand the nature and extent of the midden and its cultural significance to Aboriginal people.
South Ballina Sand Quarry
Cultural Heritage Assessment of large Pleistocene sand dune in preparation for a proposed quarry. Tasks included archaeological test excavations, testing for both human remains and Aboriginal artefacts, extensive knowledge holder consultation and negotiation of use of GPR to manage potential risks to burials.
TMR White Cliff Developmental Road
An archaeological assessment of recorded historical values along the Kennedy developmental road. Assessment included a search of applicable heritage registers, historical research and inspection of sites to confirm condition and create detailed site cards.
Nambour Tram Tracks Roadworks Supervision
Historical research into the registered Nambour tram tracks, division of a methodology to cut away and replace asphalt for road upgrade, roadworks supervision and detailed recording of condition and heritage value.
Bremer Mills Business Park
A historic heritage assessment of the early development of commercial enterprises in Ipswich. Tasks included historical research, archaeological survey and excavations, site recording and documentation, artefact analysis and cataloguing, preparation of an assessment report.
Petrie Terrace Prison and Police Barracks
Research, excavate and record information on the additions to the site and its changes in use over 130 years from a prison site to a police barracks, in preparation for a new development on the site. In association with historian Dr Thom Blake.
Eagle Farm Women’s Prison
Archaeological investigation of the 1830s prison including historical research, archaeological excavation, site recording and documentation, artefact analysis and cataloguing, and preparation of a Historic Cultural Heritage Assessment in association with historian Dr Thom Blake.
Yamba Gantry Wall
Historic heritage impact Assessment in support of alterations and maintenance to a locally listed heritage item. Project tasks included inspection, statements of heritage impact and management recommendations.
Toowoomba Town Hall
Cultural heritage assessment, excavation of the site, cultural heritage recommendations and advice on development of the former Town Hall site, in association with historian Dr Thom Blake.
Bancroft Baths, Deception Bay
A historical and archaeological study of sea baths constructed in the 1880's. The project involved historical research and subsequent excavation of two bath sites. Undertaken in association with historian Dr Thom Blake.
Budd Park Wharf, Tweed Shire
An assessment of known and potential historical cultural heritage values of deposits uncovered during remedial works. Everick provided a statement of heritage impact, research and conservation advice.
Byron Bay Rail
Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment of proposed use of vacant railway lands for access and car park purposes in Byron Bay. Works included a brief desktop review and site inspection to identify the key heritage values of the site.